This website won’t be updated any longer from 2019. Please visit for always having the latest information about our summer camps in Tarifa

Bilingual Summer camps in Tarifa, Spain
Summer camp Spain in Tarifa | Spain Camps
Adventure Camp
14-17 years old
Kitesurf Camp | Kitesurfing
14-17 years old
Customised Camps

We offer the most up to date information about our programs on our site Lenguaventura.

If you want something to hold on to, you may request a brochure or download it here.

You can also speak to the camp director on +34 956 689 084 in English, Spanish, French or German.
Information form
Enrollment form
Av. Fuerzas Armadas, 1
E-11380 Tarifa
Tel: + 34 956 689 084
Fax: +34 956 680 927

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Martes, 12 de julio de 2005

Today we listened to Shakira's music and figured out the lyrics. That was a lot of fun. Afther that we went to the flea market and looked around.
(Julia Fukae)

Today we listened to Sharika's song "la Tortura". We had to fill in a word puzzle of her song. It was really fun. We also went to the flea market and saw some cool stuff.

Hoy vamos a Bolonia, una ciudad que es Romana y vamos por la calle a visitar.

En el curso de conversaci�n hemos ido a la oficina de turismo para obtener informaci�n sobre las Ruinas de Bolonia.
(Justine y Matt)