Ce site Web ne sera plus mis à jour à partir de 2019. Veuillez visiter www.lenguaventura.com pour avoir toujours les dernières informations sur nos camps d’été à Tarifa

Colonies de vacances bilingues � Tarifa
Colonies de vacances bilingues Espagne
Camp d'aventure
14 - 17 ans
Colonie Kitesurf
14 - 17 ans
Colonies de vacances sur mesure

Les informations plus � jour sur nos programmes sont disponibles dans notre page web principale Lenguaventura.

Toutefois, si vous voulez recevoir un d�pliant, veuillez nous contacter ou le t�l�charger maintenant.

Si vous voulez parler avec le directeur de la colonie de vacances, veuillez rappeler
+34 956 689 084
On parle fran�ais, anglais, espagnol et allemand.
Demande d'info
Formulaire de r�servation
Av. Fuerzas Armadas, 1
E-11380 Tarifa
Tel: + 34 956 689 084
Fax: + 34 956 680 927
skype: lenguaventuratarifa
Sunday, 27th June, 2010

The day of arrival at the sports camp. Between 9 in the morning and 9 in the evening we were at the airport for the pick ups. In the School Residence the last preparation were made. Our staff from the kitchen and houskeeping Marieluz, Kiki, Jes�s and Felix support us every year during our summer camp Lenguaventura.

The counselors Luna, Paula and Jero are also back and with them Vidal and later this week Montse and Karim will come to complete the team. The pictures and videos will take Annalisa. For the Spanish classes Tachi, Adriana, Aran and Quique came to join us and Belinda will be back soon too and of course Sabine who coordinates the activities will participate in many activities. Last but not least we have Gaspar with us who is the head of the teachers.

We update the diary every day and it is planned to upload a short video every week.

We wish you a nice summer at our sports camp and hope you join us from time to time in our diary.