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Bilingual Summer camps in Tarifa, Spain
Colonia di vacanza
Campus Avventura
14 - 17 anni
Campus Kitesurf
14 - 17 anni
Colonia personalizzata

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Av. Fuerzas Armadas, 1
E-11380 Tarifa
Tel: + 34 956 689 084
Fax: +34 956 680 927
skype: lenguaventuratarifa

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Martes, 12 de julio de 2005

Today we listened to Shakira's music and figured out the lyrics. That was a lot of fun. Afther that we went to the flea market and looked around.
(Julia Fukae)

Today we listened to Sharika's song "la Tortura". We had to fill in a word puzzle of her song. It was really fun. We also went to the flea market and saw some cool stuff.

Hoy vamos a Bolonia, una ciudad que es Romana y vamos por la calle a visitar.

En el curso de conversaci�n hemos ido a la oficina de turismo para obtener informaci�n sobre las Ruinas de Bolonia.
(Justine y Matt)